Igor Živković / Research Assistant

dr. Igor Živković


Jožef Stefan Institute, Reactor Center Podgorica, Brinje 40, 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1774-1203

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Igor-Zivkovic

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/igorzivkovic/

COBISS: https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/sl/researcher/43285/#

Research areas:

Analytical Chemistry ∙ Environmental Chemistry ∙ Geochemistry ∙ Mercury ∙ Rhenium ∙ Environmental Pollution ∙ Environmental Analytical Chemistry ∙ Biogeochemistry ∙ Methylmercury ∙ Measurement Uncertainty ∙ Trace Metal Speciation ∙ Marine Chemistry ∙ Atmospheric Chemistry ∙ Cold plasma

Recent publications:

1. VIJAYAKUMARAN NAIR, Sreekanth, GAČNIK, Jan, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, ANDRON, Teodor Daniel, ALI, Saeed Waqar, KOTNIK, Jože, HORVAT, Milena. Application of traceable calibration for gaseous oxidized mercury in air. Analytica chimica acta, 2024, 1288, 342168. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2023.342168.

2. ALI, Saeed Waqar, BOŽIČ, Dominik, VIJAYAKUMARAN NAIR, Sreekanth, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, GAČNIK, Jan, ANDRON, Teodor Daniel, JAGODIC HUDOBIVNIK, Marta, KOCMAN, David, HORVAT, Milena. Optimization of a pre‑concentration method for the analysis of mercury isotopes in low‑concentration foliar samples. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2024, 416, 1239-1248. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-05116-5.

3. ANDRON, Teodor Daniel, CORNS, Warren T., ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, ALI, Saeed Waqar, VIJAYAKUMARAN NAIR, Sreekanth, HORVAT, Milena. A traceable and continuous flow calibration method for gaseous elemental mercury at low ambient concentrations. Atmospheric measurement techniques, 2024, 17, 1217-1228. DOI: 10.5194/amt-17-1217-2024.

4. ELGIAR, Tyler, LYMAN, Seth, ANDRON, Teodor Daniel, GRATZ, Lynne, HALLAR, A. Gannet, HORVAT, Milena, VIJAYAKUMARAN NAIR, Sreekanth, O'NEIL, Trevor, VOLKAMER, Rainer, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor. Traceable calibration of atmospheric oxidized mercury measurements. Environmental science & technology, 2024, 58, 10706-10716. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c02209.

5. SEXAUER GUSTIN, Mae, DUNHAM-CHEATHAM, Sarrah M., LYMAN, Seth, HORVAT, Milena, GAČNIK, Jan, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, et al. Measurement of atmospheric mercury: current limitations and suggestions for paths forward. Environmental science & technology, 2024, 58, 12853−12864. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06011.

6. GAČNIK, Jan, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, KOTNIK, Jože, BOŽIČ, Dominik, TASSONE, Antonella, NACCARATO, Attilio, PIRRONE, Nicola, SPROVIERI, Francesca, STEFFEN, Alexandra, HORVAT, Milena. Comparison of active measurements, lichen biomonitoring, and passive sampling for atmospheric mercury monitoring. Environmental science and pollution research, 2024, 31, 35800-35810. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-33582-6.

7. MAJSTOROVIĆ, Matea, BABIĆ, Sanja, MALEV, Olga, PAR, Matej, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, MARCIUŠ, M., TARLE, Zrinka, ČOŽ-RAKOVAC, Rozelindra, MAROVIĆ, Danijela. Environmental implications of dental restorative materials on the zebrafish Danio rerio: Are dental chair drainage systems an emerging environmental threat? Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 2024, 110, 104499. DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2024.104499.

8. KLEINDIENST, Alina, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, TESSIER, Emmanuel, KOENIG, Alkuin Maximilian, HEIMBÜRGER-BOAVIDA, Lars-Eric, HORVAT, Milena, AMOROUX, David. Assessing comparability and uncertainty of analytical methods for methylated mercury species in seawater. Analytica chimica acta, 2023, 1278, 341735. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2023.341735.

9. CHOUHAN, Raghuraj S., GAČNIK, Jan, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, VIJAYAKUMARAN NAIR, Sreekanth, VAN DE VELDE, Nigel Willy, VESEL, Alenka, ŠKET, Primož, GANDHI, Sonu, JERMAN, Ivan, HORVAT, Milena. Green synthesis of a magnetite/graphitic carbon nitride 2D nanocomposite for efficient Hg2+ remediation. Environmental science: Nano, 2023, 10, 2658-2671. DOI: 10.1039/D3EN00367A.

10. ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, BURA-NAKIĆ, Elvira, KNEŽEVIĆ, Lucija, HELZ, G.R. Deposition of Mo, Re and U under contrasting redox conditions; assessment of the [Re/Mo]SW redox proxy. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 2023, 359, 176-190.DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.08.020.