Falling Walls Foundation


On November 9th the digital event will be organized to present and review scientific breakthroughs of the world's most demanding challenges.

Radiological monitoring of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant in 2019


The Department of Environmental Sciences importantly contributes towards assessments of the radiological impact of the Krško NPP by provision of state-of-the-art accredited analytical services for the determination of tritium, C-14 and Sr-90 in different sample matrices from the environment and Krško NPP effluents.

Physical distancing


In a time when we are locked inside our homes we need social contacts more than ever. We have to keep in touch with our family, friends and coworkers.

New MSCA fellow Norbert Kavasi will join our department in 2021


We are happy to announce that the two-year project STROMASS, where Norbert will work on the rapid determination of Sr-90 using laser ablation ICP-QQQ-MS, has been approved for funding on the call for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Widening Fellowships.


Janja Vidmar receives the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize


Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize is awarded every year for outstanding PhD dissertations in the fields of natural sciences, medicine and biotechnology. This year, three prizes were given to dr. Janja Vidmar, dr. Matjaž Gomilšek and dr. Gregor Posnjak. All the winners come from the Jožef Stefan Institute.