The scientific journal Geologija is celebrating its 70th year of publication. / 5.10.2023

The Geological Survey of Slovenia celebrated the 70th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal Geologija on 29th September 2023 in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana.


The editorial board of journal Geologija awarded for the period 2014 - 2023 the first author of the most cited article in the Scopus database dr. Polona Vreča, researcher at the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Jožef Stefan Institute. The article "Isotopic composition of precipitation at the Ljubljana station (Reaktor), Slovenia - period 2007-2010", published in co-authorship with Ines Krajcar Bronić, Albrecht Leis and Miha Demšar is the result of interdisciplinary collaboration between geologists, physicists, meteorologists and chemists from Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. The article presents valuable information for further research in the field of the isotopic composition of precipitation. The dataset is useful for investigations of water cycle and is available at Slovenian Web-Based Interactive Research Platform on Water Isotopes in Precipitation – SLONIP ( The article was published in journal Geologija in December 2014, the very first year that the journal was included in the Scopus database and has become the most cited since the Geologija has been present in Scopus.

More information about the event and other granted awards is available at: