Participation at the Food for Thought Festival / 28.04.2024

The Food for Thought Festival, a series of interdisciplinary events, was organized by the Jožef Stefan Institute in collaboration with the University of Ljubljana and the National Institute of Chemistry between April 23rd and April 25th, 2024. The festival's menu had a sustainable theme, bringing together researchers, UL alumni, and students around a common table to discuss current societal issues and the challenges of creating sustainable food systems.

Two colleagues actively participated in this event. Dr. Bor Krajnc participated in the Science Slam organized on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024, while Prof. Dr. Nives Ogrinc was invited to participate in the round table discussion titled "What Have We Cooked Up Now? Seeking Stable Food Systems in a World of Limited Resources and Instability" on Thursday, April 25th, 2024. The discussion focused on ensuring a stable and sustainable food chain from the field, farm, and sea to the plate, encompassing topics such as the environmental footprint of the food we eat, limitations to food production and processing, environmental policies, and food safety.

 Science Slam and round table discussion can be found here:  Dobrodošli na Univerzi v Ljubljani! (