JSI is EOREA founding member /
On 8th December 2022 at the European Parliament, there was a launch of the European Ocen Research and Education Alliance (EOREA) - a historic collaboration on European Ocean Research & Education.
Responding to the need for increased awareness around ocean-related threats, and the need to facilitate greater integration at the European level, fourteen Key Research and Education players have come together to launch the European Ocean Research and Education Alliance (EOREA), conceived to foster bottom-up and transnational cooperation throughout Europe.
EOREA will:
• Contribute to achieving the ambition of EU and UN priorities, through structured participation in key implementation initiatives (i.e. Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters, Knowledge and Innovation Community on the Ocean, EU Climate Law, Blue Economy Partnership, etc.)
• Address the main EU and global challenges in the field of ocean-related issues, including the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 (ocean-climate link, pollutants and contaminants dispersal, blue economy, digital twin of the ocean, space-ocean link, engagement with society at large, etc.)