ISOSCAPE Summer School at Edmund Mach Foundation, San Michele All'adige, Italy, 1-4 August, 2017 / 24.08.2017
Doris Potočnik and Bor Krajnc attended the workshop “Isoscape summer school” which was held in Fundazione Edmund Mach di San Michele all'Adige iin Italy, from 1st to 4th August, 2017. The main topic of workshop was GIS modelling using the data of stable isotope ratio of light elements.
Between 1st and 4th of August 2017, Doris Potočnik and Bor Krajnc attended the "Isoscape Summer School" workshop, which took place at the Fundazione Edmund Mach di San Michele all'Adige in Italy. The workshop is a part of the MASSTWIN project. The main theme of the workshop was the geostatistic modeling and preparation of distribution maps of isotope ratios of different spatially distributed entities, the so called “ISOSCAPES". The training lasted four days and was divided into three main sections. In the first section, analysis of spatial data in the R environment for statistical computing and graphics was explained. In the second section the concepts of modeling spatial distributions of isotopic relations (process and statistical modeling) were explained. As part of the process modeling, processes that have an impact on isotopic relations were further demonstrated, while in statistical modeling, it was explained which statistical approaches can be used for certain problems. In this section, basic use of the ArcGIS was shown. The third section contained explanations and practical exercises on how to prepare "Isoscape" using ArcGIS. Modeling the spatial distribution of isotopic relations is very useful for visualization and verification of the geographical origin of various products (dairy products, wine, oil, honey, etc.). It also helps to visualize and to understand the sources and processes that influence the spatial distribution of isotopic relationships (e.g. drinking water source in boreholes, lakes, rivers, water originating from plants, etc.). ISOSCAPE summer school website