Dr. Janja Snoj Tratnik receives funding for her START-2024-17 project proposal / 21.06.2024

Researcher Dr. Janja Snoj Tratnik has been awarded RSF funding for her START project titled Refined Estimation of Environmental Exposure in Vulnerable Population Groups and Its Biological and Health Impact.

The announcement was made by the RSF Committee, who received a total of 42 proposals (20 START and 22 FUTURE). Following a rigorous evaluation process that included an admissibility check and independent reviews, Janja's project emerged as one of the top four START projects selected for funding. The selection process was highly selective, involving interviews with seven shortlisted START candidates before final decisions were made by the Panel Area Chairs.

Janja Snoj Tratnik's project, set to commence on July 1, 2024, focuses on the refined estimation of environmental exposure among vulnerable population groups and its subsequent biological and health impacts. This research is poised to provide crucial insights into how environmental factors affect health outcomes, particularly in populations that are most at risk.

Congratulations to Janja!