Anja Vehar received Saubermacher environmental award / 31.05.2023

On May 11, 2023, the 10th Saubermacher environmental awards, which are granted by the Austrian-Slovenian waste management and recycling company Saubermacher for the best Master's theses in the field of energy and the environment, were ceremoniously awarded in Kidričevo.

 Out of 100 theses, the six best ones were awarded. Anja Vehar, M.Sc. of chemical engineering, completed her master's thesis entitled "Monitoring the efficiency of the removal of bisphenols from wastewater in a municipal wastewater treatment plant" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn (UL FKKT) and co-mentorship of Prof. Dr. Ester Heath (Jožef Stefan Institute) and received the Saubermacher Award for it.
