New paper - The fate of iron nanoparticles in environmental waters
The fate of iron nanoparticles in environmental waters treated with nanoscale zero-valent iron, FeONPs and Fe3O4NPs
Viewpoint - Future Mercury Research Needs and Minamata Convention
Importance of Integration and Implementation of Emerging and Future Mercury Research into the Minamata Convention
New paper - Evaluation of procedures for (226)Ra determination
Evaluation of procedures for (226)Ra determination in samples with high barium concentration by α-particle spectrometry
New paper - Radioactivity of cigarettes
Radioactivity of cigarettes and the importance of 210Po and thorium isotopes for radiation dose assessment due to smoking
New paper - Mercury presence and speciation in the South Atlantic Ocean
Mercury presence and speciation in the South Atlantic Ocean along the 40°S transect
10. Dan mladih raziskovalcev KMBO (Kemija, Materiali, Biokemija, Okolje)/Young Researchers' Day CMBE 2016
10. Dan mladih raziskovalcev KMBO (Kemija, Materiali, Biokemija, Okolje) bo potekal 31. marca 2016 v Veliki predavalnici in avli Instituta Jožef Stefan.
MASSTWIN kick-off meeting 29-30 March
UNEP/WHO Training workshop 08-12 February 2016
EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH welcomes you to the training workshop for national coordinators and laboratory analysts in the frame of the UNEP/WHO project “Development of a Plan for Global Monitoring of Human Exposure to and Environmental Concentrations of Mercury”