ERASMUS+ exchange with Kazakhstan


The overall objective was to strenghten the collaboration with Al-Farabi KazNu in the field of environmental radioactivity and gamma spectrometry, development of new approaches in teaching of gamma spectrometry techniques and methods.

Helena Plešnik received Krka award


Her MSc thesis entitled "Determination of bacterial lignin degradation products by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry" which she worked on as part of the Applause project, was chosen to be awarded the Krka Award for research work at 51st Krka Awards call for best research projects.



WATSON in action


On September 28-29, the first hybrid meeting of the COST Action WATSON ‘WATer isotopeS in the critical zONe’ will take place in Ljubljana.

World Metrology Day


Boosting metrology in food and nutrition benefits Society as a whole and the economy, providing reliable measurements for trade, health, safety, environmental protection, sustainability of agrifood systems and law enforcement, and providing evidence of this reliability.


Call For MSCA ITN FoodTraNet Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Applications


We announce the start of the application period for 15 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions offered by the 9 host organisations participating in the MSCA ITN scheme entitled “ Advanced research and Training Network in Food quality, safety and security” (FoodTraNet).

The WICO 2020 interlaboratory comparison test passed with flying colours


Great news from the International Atomic Energy Agency: our department achieved excellent results and was among the best participating laboratories at the latest International Water Isotope Inter-Comparison Test (WICO) for the analysis of stable isotope composition of oxygen and hydrogen (δ18O and δ2H) in different environmental water samples with isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. 

Johanna received the best case study presentation award


Johanna Robinson, a young researcher was awarded for the best case study presentation titled “When technology fails: a case study of a premature CS tool” at a Citizen Science with Application to Nuclear, Seismic and Air Quality Monitoring: APPLICATIONS in Air Quality Monitoring Workshop held online 15 - 19 Mar 2021 by The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)