Department of Environmental Sciences

The Department of Environmental Sciences encompasses a broad range of research activities, diverse and varied as the environment itself.

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& events

CITAC Best Paper Award for Groundbreaking Research in Chemical Metrology

We are pleased to share that a team of distinguished researchers has received the prestigious CITAC Best Paper Award, which highlights exceptional contributions to chemical metrology. Among the co-authors of the awarded paper is Dr. Radojko Jaćimović, who collaborated with an international team on this significant research published in the past year in the frame of 20IND01 MetroCycleEU project.


Invitation to the 2025 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society

Ljubljana will host a hybrid conference for weather and climate experts from September 7–12, 2025. Abstract submissions are now open.


FishEUTrust Appears in the EC's Horizon Magazine

HE FishEUTrust project coordinated by prof. Nives Ogrinc has recently appeared in an article in the European Commission's Horizon Magazine discussing recent development of the project, and in particular about its contribution towards consumer demand for traceable and sustainable seafood.

International Women’s Day at the Department of Environmental Sciences

On March 7th, the Department of Environmental Sciences came together to celebrate early International Women’s Day in a truly special way. 

Dr Sonja Lojen Featured on Podcast: Over a Quarter Kilogram of Heavy Isotopes in Our Body

We are excited to share that our very own Dr. Sonja Lojen was featured on the Ars podcast Podobe znanja (Images of Knowledge) in an episode titled Over a Quarter Kilogram of Heavy Isotopes in the Human Body. The episode aired on February 28, 2025, and explores the fascinating role of isotopes in understanding environmental changes.

MERFISH Newsletter #4: Celebrating Achievements and Advancing Research

The latest edition of the MERFISH Newsletter is here, bringing you key updates on mercury and selenium research in marine ecosystems. This issue highlights the outstanding work of Early Career Researchers, including Adna Alilović (JSI), who won the ICMGP Student Presentation Competition for her research on mercury exposure and selenium interactions.

O2 Expands Its Recognition in Metrology

Ljubljana, 10. 2. 2025 - The Department of Environmental Sciences of the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) has successfully expanded its recognized scope within the Slovenian national metrology system, given by MIRS. 

23IND13 ScreenFood Project Stakeholders’ Workshop

ScreenFood Team invites you to the upcoming 23IND13 ScreenFood Project Stakeholders’ Workshop, which will take place online on 12 February 2025, 10:00 - 12:30 CET.

Research activity

Our activities

The Department of Environmental Sciences encompasses a broad range of research activities, diverse and varied as the environment itself.

More about research activity

Our publications and media

They are multidisciplinary, from different natural sciences to social sciences, in particular chemical, physical, geological and biological, which define our environment, society and human activities.

List of publications


With our research we would like to clarify the relationship between natural processes and human activities, and the influence of these activities on human health and the environment

List of projects